Saturday August 3

Published on 4 August 2024 at 09:11

The shiny new Goldwing was picked up yesterday at Honda Extreme Powerhouse. Rick and Adrian were superstars as they explained all the many bells and whistles to David.  It’s a Cadillac on 2 wheels.  Quite complicated compared to what he’s accustomed to, but we all have faith that he will manage the task. I’m glad it’s not me – its huge!  What we discovered very quickly was that David – the veteran distance rider, had packed way too much for this particular motorcycle.  Sorry David, you can’t bring all 7 shirts.  Sacrifices were made and Honda gladly let us store all the extra bags and clothing until our return.

I have a shiny new chain and set of sprockets as well as a new engine warning light indicting a sensor issue.  The sensor is not available anywhere in Canada, but I have been assured by my dealer and the Honda dealer that it will have little to no effect on my trip.  Faith!

It was a day for Dad and David to familiarize themselves with riding together, getting on and off the beast and getting comfortable with the feel of the equipment and gear.  We rode to Grand Prairie AB but traffic came to a standstill for almost an hour after a multi-vehicle accident resulting in a member of a large convoy of motorcyclists being airlifted to hospital.  Prayers to all impacted by the accident and a reminder to us to remain vigilant as we are potentially more vulnerable.

We rode 500 km today and that maxed out Dad’s capacity.  He went right to bed for a nap on arrival at our motel while David and I enjoyed a beer in the lobby. I suspect this will be the picture at the end of each day for the net 3-4 weeks. 

I’ll check in again in a few days.

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a month ago

Enjoy the ride! Be thinking of you & checking in to see your progress! You guys are amazing!