Day 5/6 - Serbia and Croatia

Published on 23 June 2024 at 10:48

Another hot couple of days, but it seems like the heat will break tomorrow.  Greatest news today is that, after 5 full days with only a few pieces of clothing tucked into his carry-on, Chris finally is in possession of his luggage.  His experience with Air France was horrible, finally telling him that they would only get it to Belgrade but that he had to come to the airport and retrieve his luggage himself. But Stephan, our Cruise Manager and Ama Waterways angel helped him as much as possible, giving him an escort to the airport.   

The greatest cultural difference that I have found throughout this journey is that we, as a North America generation, have no direct or even family connection to war.  And as such we are so different from the countries that we have visited.  We hear political and historical commentary from the crew and tour guides about their neighbouring country people.  They are all very passionate about the history of various rulers, be they Ottomans, Austrians, Germans, Socialists, Communists, their neighbours and even the current, very complicated governments, like Bulgaria that has both a president and a prime minister and elections every year or two.

For the last couple days, we have continued to enjoy city tours, fortresses and wine/brandy tasting.  Shockingly Dad participated in the wine tasting tour in Croatia and even enjoyed it enough to buy some wine.  We suspect that he is buying it for his guests (Debbie, Theresa and myself) but still, it's surprising since he hasn’t had a drink in over 45 years.

We enjoyed a great thunderstorm as soon as we returned from our excursions yesterday which brought with it a wonderful relief from the intense heat.  For dinner, we were treated to a meal in the special Chef’s Dining Room.  The food was even better that we have experienced so far and that's saying something.  Ama Waterways has had the best food and the best service that I, in my limited experience, have ever enjoyed on vacation.

Dad has kept us giggling with his footwear.  The most notable was the sweat socks with the bright white dress shoes that Debbie had bought him 40+ years ago – spiffy, indeed!  Then the long black socks with Birkenstock sandals, and finally the sneaker explosion while out on a walk about town.  Now he gets to enjoy the rest of his excursions with his very comfy hiking shoes.

Commemorating Mom.

The staff has been very attentive our wish to keep Mom front of mind throughout the trip, they have given us a special room each night for dinner, they have made an extra chair available at dinner each night, and last night they brought us a specially created cake.  Right before the first dinner here, Dad started us off with a moment to remember something special about Mom, each night another one of us have shared a special memory or way she touched our hearts and lives.  What a great way to share with the rest of the family what she meant to each of us individually.

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3 months ago

❤️❤️❤️ I love the updates. Especially the cake.