Bonus Comments

Published on 25 August 2024 at 20:54

The Grand Finale:

As I hope to have conveyed throughout this blog, this has been an epic summer. Dad's goal from this trip was to share with us what he had experienced with my Mom during their mission work in the Yukon and during their RV trip 30 years ago. I consider this a resounding success!  We have been blessed by his memories of landscapes and towns and his work in Carmacks, Yukon.

As a bonus to me, my Dad has given me another gift: he has enabled me to learn not only a new skill but a new passion.  I love riding this motorcycle, I love exploring the world, I love my family, but mostly I love my Dad.

Thank you to everyone who has commented on this blog, sorry that I have not replied, but rest assured, your comments are appreciated, and they have all been shared with Dad.  While it does take time, it has also helped me to focus myself at the end of a day to remember the noteworthy experiences, I fear that otherwise they may have faded away like ether.  I thought that I would write less, but there has just been so much to share with you.

Writing this has been a great exercise for me.  I hope that you have enjoyed it.

Pros and Cons of experiencing this journey on a motorcycle:


  1. It's fun
  2. You get to experience the road in a more intimate way than you can in a car.  The speed feels faster, the corners are more adrenaline pumping
  3. There is a community. Riders all talk to each other, and share experiences (a lot!)
  4. You look cool
  5. Clouds are better enjoyed in the open air without a roof
  6. You feel the environment (for better or worse)
  7. You smell the environment (for better or worse)
  8. The landscape surrounds you
  9. Easier to stop on the side of the road to take pictures (unless it annoys your travel mates)
  10. You can make faster adjustments
  11. Save money on gas
  12. Minimize luggage


  1. Cold and rain
  2. Bugs on your visor
  3. Not as much chatting with your travel mates (for better or worse)
  4. You need to pay more attention to the road surface which, in challenging conditions can inhibit full enjoyment of the vistas

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