August 18, 19

Published on 20 August 2024 at 08:59

Sunday August 18

So yesterday we arrived in Stewart, British Columbia.  David was adamant that we had to come here.  Most people don’t know anything about this little shipping town on the border of Northern BC and Alaska. But David happened upon it 5 years ago by mistake when he made a wrong turn. After speaking with both locals and tourists last night at ribfest, David and I decided that we wanted an extra excursion or two today.  First was a spot that purported to be a guarantee sighting for bears catching salmon that was heading upriver to spawn.  Believe it or not the warden who took our entrance fee offered no money back policy. After three separate visits during the day, still no sighting.  However our second excursion was a wild success. We asked Dad if he’d like to see the Salmon Glacier that people from all over the world say is the best that they have ever seen.  He said not really, but if we wanted to, then he would (rather than wait around for our return). It was an in and out trip that we thought that would be 1.5 hours maximum, but we’re glad that he came with us since it ended up being over 4 hours.

I feel like I keep saying to myself that today was the best day so far, I have seen the most spectacular sights through Alberta, BC, Yukon and Alaska, but every other day or so, I am again blown away by another new sight that is “the best so far”.  I will say again that the Salmon Glacier is the most impactful experience that I have seen thus far. I feel God’s magnificence everywhere and the power of nature.  We are so blessed to have this splendour right in our own country.

The road up to see the glacier was technically challenging for me in a similar way to the Top of the World Highway except that there were tons of potholes, many hairpin turns and switchbacks, narrow road and more cars to avoid.  My confidence has improved so much and I am now easily able to maneuver around these hazards without quite as much fear of dropping my bike when my back tire spins out from under me.

Until today we have not stayed in the same place for 2 consecutive nights during our time on the road.  However, after the unexpected side trip to the Salmon Glacier, we decided to stay in Stewart for another night.  Truth be told, we have not been enjoying great food.  It is expensive to get fresh food and good ingredients up into this far region of the country. BUT, tonight we had the best meal yet.  Again, Stewart delivered! The best Mexican restaurant is located in a town with a population of 517.  As Dad, David and I were leaving, I noticed the restaurant manager, Alejandro and owner, Frank sitting at the sidewalk edge of the patio and I told them how much we enjoyed the meal.  Well, we started chatting so I told David and Dad that I’d catch up with them later.  Before I knew it a couple hours had passed and David came to find me, was offered a drink and stayed another 45 minutes… YOU HAVE TO GO TO STEWART, BC!

Monday August 19

We said goodbye to Stewart, British Columbia and headed towards Smithers, but since David and I both need to get oil changes on our motorcycles and apparently mechanics in British Columbia don’t work Mondays, we decided to keep pushing through to Prince George with the hopes that we can get the work done first thing in Tuesday morning.  We’ll see. 

The ride was relatively uninteresting since it was interior BC and the mountains are pretty far from us here.  We had a bit of rain and a bit of wildland fire smoke but overall, it was a fast and easy ride. 700 km today 8000 total.

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Michael Baker
a month ago

Getting to see glaciers up close is awesome. Just getting to Salmon Glacier in itself must also have been awesome. Lorraine & John introduced us to glaciers & to realize how they much they are retreating in a relatively short time due to global warming is very alarming. Love your pictures. They capture the rugged beauty you see every day on your epic adventure. Stay well, happy & safe. How many days are left on your journey home?

a month ago

8000 glorious km; wonderful to see there are still smiles & laughter! Great to hear you are feeling more confident on the bike. You are an amazing ambassador for the wild north of our country!