August 11, 12

Published on 13 August 2024 at 01:30

Sunday August 11

Today was not our best day.  We woke up around 7:20 but waited until 10:30 since Dad wanted to go to mass with Aunt Lorraine, so we were already later leaving than we were accustomed.  As many people on vacation do, we are very cognizant of the weather, after all, we are on motorcycles. We really care.

The weather was not looking good. Cold again, forecast high 15 degrees, and rain, lots of it until midafternoon. With the cost of hotels in Anchorage, we didn’t want to just wait it out, so the plan is to head toward Homer which is the most westerly road accessible town in the continent.

Dad is quite uncomfortable with the cold and rain. It’s making him a bit miserable and that is not good for any of us. David thought that a heated vest would help him, so while David drove him to church, I ventured out to the local outdoor equipment store.  On return to my bike after shopping, I realized that my phone was not working, at all.  As many of us feel, without a device, how can you get by, I have no idea where I am, how do I get where I need to be and how do I call for help. Well, prayer is my first response, and wait.  After getting some less than perfect directions from two different establishments, I was chatted up at a light by somewhat sketchy guy with a very long beard, who commented on my nice bike. I was about to ask said gentleman where San Roberto street was when I hear “Heather!” behind me.  There, by God’s grace, was David.  He brought me back to the church and all was well. Except that I have a broken phone.  

We rode through cold and rain again for half the afternoon but then finally it stopped and the Kenai Peninsula is something to be seen, Great mountains with glaciers running down the sides, showing you the harshness and beauty of the land, but then as we rode further west toward the coast, the mountains seemed to shrink away.  As we passed miles and miles (we are in America) of burned forests the wind blew us around on the highway demanding that we pay attention and hold on tight. Mighty rivers were all around us signaling that we were in Halibut country. Fishing camps, excursions, outfitters, and charters were everywhere.  And the mountains were back, better than ever across Cooks Inlet (off the Pacific Ocean). All snow covered and Alpy

David found us a nice little cabin, We picked up groceries in the tiny town of Ninilchick and made enough for dinner lunch and some for tomorrow night.

Monday August 12

We headed out early out today in an attempt to get as much in as possible before the rain.  We headed right to Homer (Land’s End) and walked out to the end of the Homer Split where both David and Dad dipped foot and hand into the Pacific Ocean. Dad is loving his heated vest.  I couldn’t believe how many RVs were camped on this narrow stretch of land, well over a hundred. While the riding is fun, fast and twisty since we are following a coastline, the sights are elusive since the weather – sucks. We hit the 4500 km mark today. Technically half way.

David found a phone repair shop and after spending too much money, my phone has been repaired.

Dad’s not feeling great this afternoon, evening.  He’s a bit nauseous and chilled. We’ll keep an eye on that.  He ate dinner and went to bed.

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